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Keter Torah Synagogue

5480 Orchard Lake Road. West Bloomfield MI 48323.
Tel: 248-681-3665.
The Sephardic Community of Greater Detroit. Since 1917
c o m e j o i n o u r M i s h p a h a
Soldiers are drafted daily.
We have numbers of soldiers that no one is taking care of them as far as: Food (we buying and cooking for them, daily), soft drinks, water, Tea, Coffee, disposables, towels, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, tissue etc'.
These items are a necessity for the soldiers.
We are trying to support as much as we can but it looks like we will not be able to continue this for longer. Please click and donate.

The Sephardic Community of Greater Detroit
100 years 1917-2017
Option 1:
Name printed in Yizkor-Yahrzeit Book $18/name
Option 2:
Name and date listed on website as shown below and Name printed in Yizkor-Yahrzeit Book

Moshe Nissim ben Masuda משה ניסים בן מסעודה
Friday, December-18-1971 יום שישי, כ' כסלו, תשל"א
(Rabbi Sasson's grandfather) (סבא של הרב ששון)

Name, date, photo and short biography listed on website as shown below and Name printed in Yizkor-Yahrzeit Book
$72/name (click photo to see biography)
Naima bat E'mam נעימה בת עמאם Wednesday, May-18-1983 שבועות, יום רביעי, ו' סיון, תשמ"ג
(Rabbi Sasson's grandmother) (סבתא של הרב ששון)
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