Keter Torah Synagogue

5480 Orchard Lake Road. West Bloomfield MI 48323.
Tel: 248-681-3665. ketertorah.us@gmail.com rabbisasson@gmail.com
The Sephardic Community of Greater Detroit. Since 1917
c o m e j o i n o u r M i s h p a h a
Soldiers are drafted daily.
We have numbers of soldiers that no one is taking care of them as far as: Food (we buying and cooking for them, daily), soft drinks, water, Tea, Coffee, disposables, towels, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, tissue etc'.
These items are a necessity for the soldiers.
We are trying to support as much as we can but it looks like we will not be able to continue this for longer. Please click and donate.

Video and Music collections
Hanukkah חנוכה
Hanerot Halalu - הנרות הללו
Hanukkah Linda - לדינו
Miracle of Hanukkah
Avi Hidlik - אבי הדליק נרות
Hanukkah Baseball Song
Ner Lee - נר לי
Sevivon Medley - סביבון
MaOz Tzur - מה עוז צור
Yemei HaHanukkah
ימי החנוכה
Banu Hoshech - באנו חושך
New Videos - Rabbi Sasson reading from the Siddur
Korbanot Before Minha
From "Yehi Chevod" to "Shiro"
Maqam Hijaz מקאם חיג'ז
Shalom Alechem שלום עליכם
New melody by Rabbi Sasson
לחן חדש של הרב ששון
Adon Olam אדון עולם
New melody by Rabbi Sasson
לחן חדש של הרב ששון
Maqam Nahwand מקאם נהוונד
Wayak and Yiddish Mame in 5 languages
Maqam Bayat מקאם ביאת
Aram Vay - Pesian
Hanukah Ladino Song.
Rabbi sasson with the Chicago Sephardic Day School 2002
Havdallah at Keter Torah
February 2009
הבדלה בבית הכנסת "כתר תורה"
February 2009
The "Sevivon" Medley in Hebrew-English-Yiddish.
Rabbi sasson with the Chicago Sephardic Day School 2002
Siman Tov - Medley for all Simhas' occassions.
Reading from the Zohar
קריאה ותרגום מהזוהר
The forgotten Refugees
Jews from Arab countries
Rabbi Solomon Maimon at Keter Torah Synagogue 2-11-2014
Yigdal יגדל - ערבית של שבת
From Arvit for Shabbat
Singing: Rabbi Sasson
הרב ששון שר יגדל
What is "Iluy Neshama"- (in Hebrew) מהו עילוי נשמה