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The Sephardic Community of Greater Detroit


Since 1917 - תרע"ז

Yahrzeit - Azkarah

Anchor 9


This is the Sephardic Community of greater Detroit's Yizkor-Yahrzeit Book.


Feel free to add your loved ones

  1. Hebrew Name (English name: optional)

  2. Mother's name (Father's name: optional).

  3. Hebrew date of Yahrzeit (If you don't know it, write the English date and time if known and we will convert it to Hebrew date).

  4. Donation: $18 per name.


Thank You

Tizku L'Mitzvot  

If you prefer to fill out a form and send a check with it, please click on the button below. 

Donations for our

Yizkor - Yahrzeit Book.

Thank You

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