Keter Torah Synagogue

5480 Orchard Lake Road. West Bloomfield MI 48323.
Tel: 248-681-3665. ketertorah.us@gmail.com rabbisasson@gmail.com
The Sephardic Community of Greater Detroit. Since 1917
c o m e j o i n o u r M i s h p a h a
Soldiers are drafted daily.
We have numbers of soldiers that no one is taking care of them as far as: Food (we buying and cooking for them, daily), soft drinks, water, Tea, Coffee, disposables, towels, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, tissue etc'.
These items are a necessity for the soldiers.
We are trying to support as much as we can but it looks like we will not be able to continue this for longer. Please click and donate.

B"H בס"ד
BH, 4th of Nisan, 5777 בס"ד, ד' ניסן ה'תשע"ז
להחזיר עטרה ליושנה
To restore the Crown to it's Former Glory
Pesach Kosher products for Sepharadim who eat Kitniyot – Legumes.
Shalom to all,
Due to many questions in regards to what is permissible to eat in Pesah and in order to avoid confusions for the Sepharadim who eat Kitniyot – Legumes, attached is a list of products KASHERE La’PESAH for SEPHARADIM ONLY.
This list shows products that can be eaten without a special label for Passover.
The PDF file was sent from Rabbi Gabriel Cohen, Av Beth Din of WCRC - West Coast Rabbinical Court of Beverly Hills, CA.
There are many products marked “Kasher La’Pesah L’Ochlei Kitniyot” – Kosher for Passover for those who eat Kitniyot – Legumes, at Noah’s ark, Babylon and One Stop Kosher.
Enjoy your Pesah Holiday and may HaShem all mighty redeem us already this year so we all be in the real Beth Hamikdash – The Holy Temple, Amen.
Hag Kasher V’Sameah.
Rabbi Sasson Natan Rabbi Avraham Mifsud
Keter Torah Synagogue Ohr HaTorah Synagogue
West Bloomfield, MI Oak Park, MI